๐Ÿช™Getting Testnet Tokens

Getting tokens on testnet let you play with GenaDrop's testing environment without spending real money


We'll walk you through the steps of acquiring MATIC via a Mumbai Testnet Faucet.

Step 1. Configuring the Network

  • Open MetaMask browser extension

  • Click on the Network selection dropdown and then click on 'Add Network'

  • Fill in the form

Step 2: Getting the Tokens

  • In your MetaMask wallet, ensure that the Mumbai Testnet network is selected.

  • Copy your wallet address.

  • Go to "https://faucet.polygon.technology," paste your wallet address into the appropriate field, and then submit.


Step 1: Adding the Celo Network to MetaMask

  • Open MetaMask, click on the Network selection dropdown and then click on 'Add Network'

  • Fill in the following values based on the Celo network you want to connect to: Alfajores Testnet, Baklava Testnet

Network Name: Celo (Alfajores Testnet)

New R: Celo (Baklava Testnet)

New RPC URL: https://baklava-forno.celo-testnet.org

Chain ID: 62320

Currency Symbol (Optional): CELO

Block Explorer URL (Optional): https://baklava-blockscout.celo-testnet.org

Step 2: Getting the Tokens

  • In your MetaMask wallet, ensure that the Celo(Alfajores Testnet) or Celo(Baklava Testnet) network is selected.

  • Copy your wallet address.

  • Navigate to "https://celo.org/developers/faucet" paste your wallet address into the appropriate field and submit.

Last updated