
Commonly used terms across the GenaDrop dApp and documentaiton

The following are terms that are used in GenaDrop

  • GenaDrop Create

  • Royalties

  • Minting

    • Indicates when

  • Listing

  • Resell

  • NFT

  • Token

  • Cryptocurrency

  • Drop

    • Indicates the release of a new NFT or NFT collection

  • Polygon

  • Shorts

    • Indicates NFTs that was minted as photo/video with ur camera

  • Celo

  • NEAR

  • Aurora

  • EVM Compatible

  • IPFS

  • Arweave

  • Conflict Rule

  • Asset

  • Layer

    • Layer indicates a layer in the NFT project

  • Blockchain

  • Rarities

  • DAO

  • $DROP Token

  • Minority Programmers *

Last updated